After apologizing to the Indian barbers for incorporating the word ‘Barber’ in the title of his home production, Billu Barber and subsequently removing it, Shah Rukh Khan has now apologized to Indian cricket’s living legend Sunil Gavaskar for a taunt that he buys his own team if he wanted to run one.
The King Khan before departing for South Africa as the IPL season 2 begins there, said, “I have not said anything against Gavaskar. I just wanted to have breathing space to try something new. I have sent him an apology letter because he was in America that time,”
“Due to the wonderful methodology that television applies, that comment was for people who don’t understand cricket and who are still telling me how to run the team. If Gavaskar asks me to walk on my head and run the team, I would. Anything that Gavaskar says that has to do with cricket, if he mentions, should be followed,” SRK said.
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Diary of a memorable trip to home city Karachi
*By Naeem-ul-Haq in USA*
*(Pakistan News & Features Services)*
Karachi is the city of my birth and this is the place I have been visiting
regularly over th...
3 weeks ago
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